Sunday, 8 March 2009

Relaxing weekend

I haven't got up to much this weekend. Mainly shopping, eating and drinking lots of wine. Skating on ice is on later, so I will have a nice hot bath, bit of a pampering and then cosy up on the sofa probably with a nice glass of vino!

Dad tried to contact skater boy on Friday afternoon, but to no avail. He rang to speak to the director, but again to no avail. He isn't happy with the fact he hasn't had any updates, nor can he see anything done on the website.

He has emailed skater boy again, informing him of the breach of contract, so let's see if he does anything about it on Monday, or will just get the normal response of being ignored. I can't see them getting it done by the time they have estimated.

Oh well, nothing more to report until Monday, until then........

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