Saturday, 7 February 2009


What is the meaning of the word ready?

Tonight I'm going to put it to you, my blog readers, to answer this question for me. You can either leave a comment on here, my facebook wall, or better still on my facebook blog page.(you will find a link to this on my profile page on facebook, under my friends) Or you can think, sod it and not bother at all!

I'm going to give you four examples of what I think ready means, one for female minds, one for male. Lets see if you agree, or if in fact you disagree with me. See it as a bit of a for or against the skater boys meaning of the word ready!

Example one

Daughter of darkness, your dinner is ready. Daughter of darkness comes into the kitchen, picks up her plate, goes to the table, sits down and eats her dinner.

Example two

"Daughter of darkness", your dinner is ready. Daughter of darkness comes into the kitchen, looks at the kitchen worktop and says "where is it", looks at me, in the teenager darkness glare she gives, waiting for a reply.

I'm just putting the oven on now!

Example three

You receive a phone call, "your car is ready to collect", says the garage. "Your brakes have been done". You arrive at the garage, pay the man, take your car and drive away happy.

Example four

You receive a phone call, "your car is ready to collect", says the garage. "Your brakes have been done". You arrive at the garage, pay the man, but as you go to collect your car, you see your wheels aren't on and it's still jacked up. Do you call this ready?

Now call me bonkers, but surely, if you agree "ready" is example one or three, then you and I are on the same wave length.

However, should you feel example two or four is your idea of ready, then lets hope you aren't employed to be working on the Olympic stadium for 2012!

All answers to the meaning of the word ready will be posted on my blog, so that everyone may get an insight, into what "ready" really means!

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