Friday, 27 February 2009

Stick a tail on the calendar

The weekend is finally here, time to relax, chill out, enjoy the rugby, eat chocolate and drink wine!

Nothing to report on the website, they have been working on it all day, not sure what they are doing as we can't see any of it, but they are doing something and still on it now.

Dad had an email regarding schedules again, this time it will be completed April 7th. Skater boy No1 didn't mention the year, but let's hope its 2009 hey!

Twenty days ago it was eighteen days to completion, now its over a month away. In saying that though, the days he has said doesn't match up with his finally figure, so who really knows what date his has in mind, could have closed his eyes and stick a tail on a calendar and that was the day he thought he would go with for now....

No explanation has been given as to what has happened to the last 20 days, did they just do nothing? Why has it taken them so long to complete nothing?

Nothing has be explained about the launch page, this hasn't been included in the schedule, so am I to take it we are no longer having one? Bloody good job it wasn't finished back in January, people would have registered and died of waiting for the website!

Well I could go on moaning about them, but then I would sound like my dad and I can't have that.

I hear my wine calling me, wanting to be poured by me, drunk by me, enjoyed by me.

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